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What are Spaces on Mindstone?
What are Spaces on Mindstone?
Melinda Jacobs avatar
Written by Melinda Jacobs
Updated over a week ago

At Mindstone, we believe learning is a collective experience, not a solitary one. This belief if the origin of Spaces. Spaces are environments within Mindstone where learners can discuss and progress together on a shared AI learning journey.

Whether its discovering the latest, most relevant AI content, joining in on an illuminating discussion, or simply connecting over shared interests - Spaces bring you close together than ever with the goal of making the AI skill learning process as enriching as the skills and knowledge developed themselves.

When you join Mindstone for free, you are automatically in the default community space where you can access free content to help you build your Practical AI skills, register for free online & offline events, discuss with other community members within each content view and more.

By engaging with others in Spaces you're not only broadening your own knowledge and skills, but gaining a multifaceted insights into these topics and themes.
​Pro & Enterprise users can access custom spaces designed for programs or their cohort or company.

This is just the beginning for Spaces. With more developments in the pipeline, anticipate an even more enriched, connected learning experience in the near future.

Benefits of Spaces:

  • Gain richer insights through shared learning and connecting with experts.

  • Feel part of an AI learning community, mitigating online learning isolation.

  • Stay motivated to build your AI skills with the support of fellow learners.

Switching between Spaces

If you are a Pro or Enterprise user, you might be a part of multiple Spaces. You can use the Space Switcher to move between the Spaces you are a part of on both mobile and web.

Using the Space Switcher on Mobile:

Tap the Space Switcher at the top left of your app to open your Spaces. Select the space you want to go to.

Using the Space Switcher on Web:
Go to the Space Switcher at the top left of your app to open your Spaces. Select the space you want to go to.

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