Assessments on Mindstone are designed to test your AI skills. These assessments give you immediate feedback, helping you see where you can improve and track your progress.
Note: Enroll in a program to access assessments.
Why Are Mindstone Assessments Unique?
Mindstone assessments are personalised and interactive, making them a great way to prove your skills. They are designed to match the work you do, providing relevant and practical challenges. This approach is valuable for conversations between companies and their employees, or between you and prospective employers.
Benefits of Mindstone Assessments
Prove Your Skills: Show your practical AI skills in a personalized and interactive way.
Receive Personalised Feedback: Get detailed insights to help you improve your AI skills.
Track Your Progress: Monitor your improvement over time with clear records of your scores and feedback.
Hot Tip: Assessments are a great way to prove your skills, while Trivia is a fun way to test your understanding as you learn. Use Assessments to showcase your proficiency in specific AI skills and Trivia to prove your knowledge.
What Happens During Assessments?
During the assessment, you will be guided by the AI Assessor, who will present you with questions that test your AI skills and their practical applications.
The assessment includes a mix of multiple-choice and free-text questions - depending on what is best for you. These questions are designed to evaluate your ability to apply AI concepts in real-world scenarios.
As you answer, make sure to demonstrate your understanding and reasoning, as this will help you achieve better scores and more constructive feedback.
What Do You Get After the Assessment?
Immediate Feedback: Get scores and helpful feedback on your answers
Score Breakdown: See a detailed breakdown of your scores for each question.
Badges: Earn badges for completing assessments, showing your proficiency in specific AI skills. Badges require renewal, ensuring you keep your skills up-to-date and continue learning.
By using Mindstone assessments, you can continuously improve your AI skills, ensuring you stay up-to-date and effective in your AI-related tasks.